I have oral herpes. When I don’t have a cold sore can a guy i kiss still get oral herpes?


I have oral herpes. When I don't have a cold sore can a guy i kiss still get oral herpes?


The herpes simplex virus is spread by coming in direct contact with the virus through a mucous membrane. Mucous membranes including lining of the mouth, lips, penis, anus and the vaginal. Herpes is almost always spread through those mucous membranes.

Herpes could still surface the skin even if outbreaks are visible to the eye. There might not be any signs or symptoms of herpes when the virus surfaces the skin. If a partner comes in direct contact with the virus by kissing you, herpes could spread. Herpes is very common orally, seem there isn't a protective barrier from kissing. Up to 80% of sexually active adults carry the HSV-1 herpes antibodies. Most people don't get herpes outbreaks, because the human body usually weakens the virus. It's important to be fully educated about how herpes is spread.