If I use a condom with my uninfected partner for intercourse can I still have oral sex with him and not contract hsv1?


If I use a condom with my uninfected partner for intercourse can I still have oral sex with him and not contract hsv-1?

Is he at risk if he performs oral when I don't have a ob? I want to still be able to please him orally.


Herpes is a virus that affects the skin. Even if an active outbreak isn't present herpes could still surface the skin. A partner could catch herpes if his/her skin comes in direct genital, anal or oral contact with the virus. A condom may not cover 100% of the genital region.

If herpes surfaced the skin herpes could spread even if you don't have an outbreak. You may not always know when herpes surfaced the skin. There may not be any active symptoms of the virus. If you don't have any outbreaks and if a condom is used the chance of your partner catching the virus by performing oral sex on you would be very low.

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