Can you give a woman HSV-2 if she gives you oral. no signs of outbreaks?

A person could catch oral herpes from performing oral sex on a partner
with genital HSV-2. HSV-2 is usually genital herpes. HSV-2 is could
spread orally and/or genitally. Herpes could come to the surface of the
skin even if a person doesn't have a visual herpes outbreak. When
herpes is on the surface of the skin and there isn't a visual herpes
outbreak that is known as shedding. If a person without oral herpes
performs oral sex on a partner with genital HSV-2 the oral region of
the partner's mouth who is performing oral sex may come in direct
contact with HSV-2 orally. If a partner has genital HSV-1 (less common
type of genital herpes) and a person without oral herpes performs oral
sex on that person the partner performing oral sex will be likely to
catch oral HSV-1. HSV-1 is usually oral herpes. The partner performing
oral sex may come in direct contact with oral HSV-1 by performing oral
sex on a partner with genital HSV-1.

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