Will I have HPV forever? Will I always have to use a condom? Do I have to tell people that I have HPV? If anyone knows anything, please tell me everything you know. I need educated on my condition.
I need ANY information on HPV. I need as much as possible. Thank you very much!
If an individual with HPV doesn't have a genital wart outbreak for at least two years there is a 90% chance the virus completely cleared the body. A female with HPV should get a yearly pap smear. An abnormal pap smear could detect HPV. Once a person is diagnosed with HPV there is always a chance that the virus could spread. In many cases the chance will be small, seem the body usually. completely eliminates the virus from the body.
Telling a partner about your situation allows the other person to make a choice. It also helps an individual be educated about how the virus is spread. By educating a partner about how HPV is spread could reduce the chance of infecting a partner with the virus. It's clinically proven that up to 50% of sexually active adults came in contact with HPV. Most of those people never showed symptoms of the virus seem the body usually weakens the virus. If you want to read more about this topic go to the following website.
If you have another question let me know.