My girlfriend both have HV2. Would it be wise to still use a condom for oral sex? whart about for me with her?
We are not experiencing out breaks right now. This weekend will be our first encounter and we are discussing the details we need to understand before hand...such a good person she is for open discussion.
Just remember herpes is spread by coming in direct oral or genital contact with the virus.
It isn't possible to re-infect a partner with genital HSV-2. Once an individual has HSV-2 it last a lifetime. Sometimes friction from sex contributes to genital herpes outbreaks. Having genital HSV-2 doesn't protect a person from catching oral herpes. If a partner doesn't have oral herpes and performs oral sex on a partner with genital HSV_2 that would be oral negative to genital HSV-2 positive. HSV-2 spreads to a partner orally about 5-10% of the time. If oral sex is performed on a person with genital HSV-2 the chance of the virus spreading orally wouldn't be high. I would recommend using a condom to perform oral sex. Dental dam could also be used for oral sex.
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