Hello all my beautiful ladies!
I saw few of you were posting about wanting to get new female friends and support groups. I don't want to hijack Cerise's thread and hope she (and everyone else) will find the actual face to face support & friendship she's looking for. But maybe we can also give each other some online support?
I have attended few of my local support group meetings but actually find it hard to open up there, talking online feels easier at the moment.
I'll start by telling a bit about myself. I'm 30, single, studying and working on and off. I've been infected for about 9 years and no one in my life at the moment knows of my status. I've only disclosed to my ex and the one who infected me. I no longer have anything to do with neither of them. My feelings about HIV and being infected by it have varied a lot during the years and I guess I should say I don't quite know how I feel about it right now. It's a work in progress.
I live in Europe and receive excellent, free health care so I don't really need to worry about that. But the mental side of this all is sometimes bit tough. I love nature, cycling and growing my own herbs and other plants in the summer time. Now that spring is finally coming I'm starting to put the seeds in the soil again and soon my home will be filled up with tiny beginnings of new life. 
I hope to hear from you all and would really like to make some new friends here.
Herpes support groups https://www.herpesdatingsite.biz/herpes-support-groups/
Women with herpes https://www.herpesdatingsite.biz/women-with-herpes/