Herpes Dating Sites UK seems to be more and more popular in recent years. According to the statistic, there are 27 herpes dating sites newly set in 2014. The owners of the Herpesdatingsite.biz website encourage government health officials to require infected consumers to disclose their positive status before they enter into a relationship then infect someone else.
One of the principles at the Herpesdatingsite.biz dating with herpes website said, "We can significantly lower the number of new infections each year if the government would make it mandatory for people to get tested at least once a year." According to the popular Herpes Encounter website, more than 50,000,000 people in the United States are infected with the disease.
Many of the consumers which are infected with herpes don't know they have it until their partner gets tested and discloses the information. Online dating herpes websites encourage those that are infected to disclose their positive status, but not everyone follows their advice. One idea that's been floating around is for the government to allow high schools to test people before they graduate then go on to college.
Mr. D at the Herpesdatingsite.biz website said he understands people are afraid to get tested. He said, "No one wants to get bad news, but people have to get tested simply because it's the only way for them to determine if they are positive." Unfortunately, there is only so much the government can do to ensure the disease doesn't continue to spread. Under current laws, the government cannot force high school students to get tested.
Parents can consent to have their children tested by a private doctor, but a program has to be established to give the parents an incentive. Testing programs for young adults should also be implemented by the government as they'll cost less than it costs presently to treat those who are positive.
Some herpes dating resource check out: women with herpes - http://womenwithherpes.org , HIV dating sites - https://www.hivpositivedatingsites.net , Herpes dating sites - https://www.herpesdatingsite.biz