Q: I am a woman, I have HSV-2. I am in contact with a man that has HSV-1(G). If we have sex with each other will we both end up with both viruses?
A: HSV-1 causes 5-10% of genital herpes outbreaks. HSV-1 isn’t too common genitally. The only way an individual could be certain s/he has genital HSV-1 is to have a
doctor take a viral swab of active herpes sores and send it to the lab. If you cause genital HSV-1 most of the outbreaks would come from HSV-2. Seem HSV-2 is typically
genital herpes.
HSV-1 is likely to spread orally. If you perform oral sex on him the chances are high that you will catch oral HSV-1. Seem you could come in direct oral contact with
HSV-1 by performing oral sex on an individual with genital HSV-1. If safe sex happens the chances are low that HSV-1 and HSV-2 will spread. It’s best to use a
lubricated latex condom. Avoid sex during outbreaks, if a burning itching or tingling feeling occurs.
sex with herpes http://www.herpesdatingsite.biz/sex-with-herpes/
women with herpes http://womenwithherpes.org