I have HSV2 and was wondering if it is possible to get HSV1 from a partner when there are no cold sores present…

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I have HSV2 and was wondering if it is possible to get HSV1 from a partner when there are no cold sores present...


HSV-2 is usually genital herpes and HSV-1 is usually oral herpes. Both strains could spread orally and/or genitally.

If you kissing a partner with oral HSV-1 there is a chance that you could catch oral HSV-1. Seem you don't have HSV-1 orally you could catch HSV-1 orally by kissing.

Most people who carry the HSV-1 antibodies don't have an outbreak because the human body helps fight the herpes antibodies off. If a couple kiss HSV-1 is likely to spread. There is no protective barrier from kissing. HSV-1 and HSV-2 could spread by oral sex. Having safe oral, anal and vaginal sex greatly lowers the chance of passing or catching herpes.

If a partner has genital HSV-1 (the less common type of genital herpes) the virus could spread by vaginal sex. The chance of a person catching genital HSV-1 is about 5-10%. That number could vary a bit depending on the situation. If a partner has genital HSV-1 there is a chance you could come in contact with a different strain of genital herpes. Remember the chance isn't high.

Herpes could spread even if there are no cold sore. Herpes could come to the surface of the skin and there may not always be a visual herpes outbreak. Oral herpes outbreaks happen by chance and could happen to anyone.