Herpes counselor :

Herpes is an incurable medical condition that lasts a lifetime. The federal government (FDA) doesn't approve of using natural products or probiotics for herpes. Ideally an individual with herpes should have a diet high in lysine and low in Arginine. Before changing your diet consult with your medical doctor.

I'm recommending you ask your doctor about Valtrex or Acylovirs to treat herpes. Maintaining a healthy immune system is the most effective way to weaken herpes. It's important to eat healthy, exercising and avoid smoking.


What the status of the most recent HIV research? Any updates about the AID/HIV research?


I would like to point out that May 18th is HIV Vaccine Awareness Day. There are dozens of HIV clinical trails. The HVTN 100 is a HIV study that takes place in Cape Town, Africa. This is the most recent study that I know of that is showing how effective the HIV vaccine is. This study is based on the results of U.S military personally that participated in HIV Research, RV 144 clinical trail in Thailand. The RV 144 study was the first HIV study to prove that a HIV vaccine could prevent HIV infections 31.2% of the time. Hopefully the HVTN will increase the effectiveness of the HIV vaccine. If you want to read more about this topic go to the following website. The second link contains information about various HIV studies.



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I have HSV2 and was wondering if it is possible to get HSV1 from a partner when there are no cold sores present...


HSV-2 is usually genital herpes and HSV-1 is usually oral herpes. Both strains could spread orally and/or genitally.

If you kissing a partner with oral HSV-1 there is a chance that you could catch oral HSV-1. Seem you don't have HSV-1 orally you could catch HSV-1 orally by kissing.

Most people who carry the HSV-1 antibodies don't have an outbreak because the human body helps fight the herpes antibodies off. If a couple kiss HSV-1 is likely to spread. There is no protective barrier from kissing. HSV-1 and HSV-2 could spread by oral sex. Having safe oral, anal and vaginal sex greatly lowers the chance of passing or catching herpes.

If a partner has genital HSV-1 (the less common type of genital herpes) the virus could spread by vaginal sex. The chance of a person catching genital HSV-1 is about 5-10%. That number could vary a bit depending on the situation. If a partner has genital HSV-1 there is a chance you could come in contact with a different strain of genital herpes. Remember the chance isn't high.

Herpes could spread even if there are no cold sore. Herpes could come to the surface of the skin and there may not always be a visual herpes outbreak. Oral herpes outbreaks happen by chance and could happen to anyone.


Will I have HPV forever? Will I always have to use a condom? Do I have to tell people that I have HPV? If anyone knows anything, please tell me everything you know. I need educated on my condition.

I need ANY information on HPV. I need as much as possible. Thank you very much!


If an individual with HPV doesn't have a genital wart outbreak for at least two years there is a 90% chance the virus completely cleared the body. A female with HPV should get a yearly pap smear. An abnormal pap smear could detect HPV. Once a person is diagnosed with HPV there is always a chance that the virus could spread. In many cases the chance will be small, seem the body usually. completely eliminates the virus from the body.

Telling a partner about your situation allows the other person to make a choice. It also helps an individual be educated about how the virus is spread. By educating a partner about how HPV is spread could reduce the chance of infecting a partner with the virus. It's clinically proven that up to 50% of sexually active adults came in contact with HPV. Most of those people never showed symptoms of the virus seem the body usually weakens the virus. If you want to read more about this topic go to the following website.


If you have another question let me know.



I have oral herpes. When I don't have a cold sore can a guy i kiss still get oral herpes?


The herpes simplex virus is spread by coming in direct contact with the virus through a mucous membrane. Mucous membranes including lining of the mouth, lips, penis, anus and the vaginal. Herpes is almost always spread through those mucous membranes.

Herpes could still surface the skin even if outbreaks are visible to the eye. There might not be any signs or symptoms of herpes when the virus surfaces the skin. If a partner comes in direct contact with the virus by kissing you, herpes could spread. Herpes is very common orally, seem there isn't a protective barrier from kissing. Up to 80% of sexually active adults carry the HSV-1 herpes antibodies. Most people don't get herpes outbreaks, because the human body usually weakens the virus. It's important to be fully educated about how herpes is spread.



My girlfriend both have HV2. Would it be wise to still use a condom for oral sex? whart about for me with her?

We are not experiencing out breaks right now. This weekend will be our first encounter and we are discussing the details we need to understand before hand...such a good person she is for open discussion.


Just remember herpes is spread by coming in direct oral or genital contact with the virus.

It isn't possible to re-infect a partner with genital HSV-2. Once an individual has HSV-2 it last a lifetime. Sometimes friction from sex contributes to genital herpes outbreaks. Having genital HSV-2 doesn't protect a person from catching oral herpes. If a partner doesn't have oral herpes and performs oral sex on a partner with genital HSV_2 that would be oral negative to genital HSV-2 positive. HSV-2 spreads to a partner orally about 5-10% of the time. If oral sex is performed on a person with genital HSV-2 the chance of the virus spreading orally wouldn't be high. I would recommend using a condom to perform oral sex. Dental dam could also be used for oral sex.

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Women with herpes  https://www.herpesdatingsite.biz/women-with-herpes/

Sex with herpes  https://www.herpesdatingsite.biz/sex-with-herpes/

If im a male with hsv 1 o and have sex with a female with hsv 2 g, with a condom, and she has no sign of a out break how likely is it for me to get hsv 2? And how long should u wait after sex to get tested for hsv?

Expert Answer:

Having oral herpes doesn't protect an individual from catching genital herpes. HSV-1 is very common, seem there is no protective barrier when kissing occurs. The human body usually weakens herpes. Therefore, most individual's who carry the herpes antibodies don't have outbreaks or show symptoms of the virus. The chance of catching genital herpes is unknown. The Center for Disease Control (Federal government, and research doesn't provide a fixed chance). In many cases herpes isn't detected, seem the body weakens the virus.

However, it's proven that about 16% of sexually active adults carry HSV-2 antibodies, which is usually associated with genital herpes. If you use a lubricated latex condom, if sex doesn't occur during outbreaks or if symptoms are present, the chance of catching genital herpes could be as low as a per percent per a year.
Myself and the Center for Disease Control don't recommend taking the herpes blood test. The herpes blood test doesn't tell us if the virus is oral or genital herpes. If the herpes antibodies are weak herpes may not be detected. It's possible to get different blood test results each time a person is tested. Once an individual test positive for herpes s/he carries the antibodies for life. The most effective way to be diagnosed with herpes is for a doctor to see outbreaks. The herpes antibodies may appear on a blood test a couple of months after infection.

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Sex with herpes  https://www.herpesdatingsite.biz/sex-with-herpes/

Women with herpes  https://www.herpesdatingsite.biz/women-with-herpes/

There is no particular way to have a conversation with a partner who doesn't have herpes or an STD. These are just my personal recommendation. An individual may find an approach that works better for him or her. However, it's important to do your research and to be prepared to answer any questions the other person may have. Get your facts from the Center for Disease Control, .gov and .org websites. You want to know how the STD is spread, how to have safe sex, how to reduce outbreaks and how the STD could affect the body.

Once the do your research prepare yourself mentally to have a conversation with a partner. You want to remain calm, make eye contact, speak with a normal tone of voice and think of a place where you want to talk to your partner. Never have, "the talk" during the conversation of the moment.

If needed always allow the other person time to think about his or her choice. It's important to be honest with a partner and to know the facts about herpes. A partner may need time to think if s/he wants the relationship. Always keep a positive attitude. Meeting a person who you have a strong connection with has much more weight than herpes alone.

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